Overexertion: Signs That You’re Pushing Too Hard And Ways To Prevent It

Exercise is essential, and it helps our body to work at its optimum best. But there’s a fine line between overexerting yourself and healthy exercise. Since the pandemic, everyone has been super focused on being healthier and practising wellness.

Knowing the signs of overexertion can save you from injury, muscle soreness and fatigue. Overexertion is not limited to over-exercising. You can overexert yourself at the workplace too.

Unsplash | Chalo Garcia

How Is Overexertion Caused?

Overexertion is the overuse of muscles and joints, whether to exercise or as part of the work you do. Often, overexertion put a strain on muscles and joints, later causing inflammation, stiffness and pain.

Overexertion can occur by carrying heavy objects

You may be lifting goods at work or weights at the gym that are too heavy. Sometimes lifting heavier weights in an attempt to see faster results can lead to slow muscle recovery and injury.

Working in an inadequate space

Spaces that are not functional can lead to poor posture. For example, your office table isn’t the correct height to align your eyes with the computer screen. By sitting like this for too long, you could risk hurting your back by hunching over as you work.

Your wrists could also become injured if you’re not positioning them correctly with the keyboard. Typists and computer work often see injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome due to poor posture of the wrists whilst typing.

Exercise equipment is old

Sometimes using old machinery and exercise equipment can lead to muscle strain and injury because they most likely don’t function properly.

The same applies to using old tools that are worn out and no longer work as accurately as before. Using worn tools requires the user to put more physical strain on their joints and muscles to aid the tool when the tools should benefit the user.

Repetitive motion

When trying to stay in shape for a game or lose weight, overexertion can occur when doing the same functions (runner’s knee, tennis elbow, Achilles tendonitis and swimmer’s shoulder, to name a few). Repetitive motion is also prevalent in specific jobs such as typing, plumbing and maintenance.

Signs That you’re Pushing Yourself Too Hard

Unsplash | Graham Mansfield

Sometimes, when you feel like going even further and pushing harder to achieve a fitness goal, you could push harder than you are supposed to.

You’ll know that you’re overexerting your body when you experience some of the following:

Extreme fatigue

Feeling tired is a normal process and part of the after-effects when having exercised. However, when you’re feeling fatigued the whole time, it could signify that your body is working too hard and hasn’t adequately recovered after the previous session.

You may also experience fatigue if you haven’t eaten correctly before training.

Foods that work to fuel your body before a workout include dried fruit, oats, whole grain bread with a hard-boiled egg or chicken on, fruit smoothies or a combo of Greek yoghurt and fruit. These foods can help you pack protein for weight training and muscle building, as well as energy to sustain your cardio workout.

You’re losing weight fast

If you’re losing weight, that’s good progress, but losing weight should be over a reasonable amount of time. According to the CDC people who gradually lose weight at 1-2 pounds (0.45kg-0.90kg) a week is steadily is more likely to keep the weight off. Weight loss and maintaining that weight loss includes lifestyle changes, long-term goals and a balanced diet with regular exercise.

If you’re overexerting yourself, you could notice rapid weight loss. The problem with losing weight too quickly is that it tends to pile on fast afterwards. Rapid weight loss can also lead to reduced muscle mass and a slower metabolism.

You’re experiencing persistent injuries

If you’re battling injuries that take longer to heal than is normal, this may be due to your body struggling to recover. Overexertion can wreak havoc on the body and cause various changes, including slower recovery.

Irritability and moodiness

Too much overexerting yourself in exercise can disrupt your mood causing stress hormones to elevate and thus shift your mindset to become irritable.

Feeling less motivated to workout

If you’re overtraining, you may get into a state that you’re no longer eager or motivated to work out and reach those fitness goals.

Poor sleep quality

As part of your mood changes and imbalanced hormones, your sleep may be affected.

Here’s How To Curb Overexertion For Exercise

  • Stretch and warm-up before you begin your workout session
  • Take breaks between exercises.
  • Change your routine from time to time switching up workout styles
  • Take rest breaks in between workouts to help your body recover.
  • Try not to stress your muscles and joints out.
  • Allocate days for only yoga and meditation.

Reduce Overexertion When Working

  • Stand more often if your job requires long hours of sitting.
  • Walk further from your car to the office or shop
  • Take a bicycle to work or walk if you don’t live far away.
  • Bend properly when lifting something heavy. Use your legs and not your back.
  • Take walks during your breaks.


Unsplash | Kelly Sikkema

Staying active is beneficial for the whole family, but knowing when to slow down is just as important. Give yourself time to recover, and don’t push the envelope too much. Take things one step at a time and opt for low impact activities that won’t harm your joints in the long run. Best of all, turn exercise into something the whole family can enjoy.

Nancy Rachael Amon Avatar

I’m a passionate author and freelance writer who loves health and wellness. I also enjoy fiction, mystery, and espionage. Authors like James Pattison and Tom Clancy are my inspiration. When I’m not writing, I find time to enjoy beautiful things, cats, art, and music.

Why Self-Care Is Important- 7 Easy Tips To Take Better Care Of Yourself

Only a few people realize the importance of self-care. Self-care is often assumed to be selfish. However, the concept matters and, more so, in our current lives. Looking after yourself could positively impact your health and well-being. I will jump into some care tips, but first, I want to expand on the information more.

What is all the fuss about self-care?

Self-care plays a vital role in humans, even when unaware that it flows into wellness on all levels.

The importance of self-care may sound like a fad to some folks, but the reality is that it isn’t. Fads are here today and gone tomorrow, as is with most trends. But when it comes to taking care of yourself, it is a commitment and an ongoing aspect of your lifestyle.

What are some of the benefits of self-care?

  • It may help to reduce anxiety
  • It could improve your self-esteem
  • It could contribute to better mental wellness
  • Self-care could help improve health
  • It may create better relationships with others

Self-care could include:

Asking for help

You do everything you can to make things work, but sometimes you need help. Reaching out and asking for help is one way to lighten the load for yourself.

Take a step back

Sometimes, you just have to see things from an outside point of view. Once you’re clear, making decisions comes easier.

Forgive yourself

There are so many times that assigning fault to yourself seems the logical thing to do, even when it wasn’t your fault. Sometimes, life can change people; they tend to see this as the right thing or blame themselves for things that go wrong. Stop doing this.

You are not to blame. Learn to accept and forgive yourself. From forgiveness comes healing.

Just saying no

If you find it hard to say no, now is the time to start training yourself. Sometimes, people take advantage, and if you don’t draw a line and say no, you’ll feel bad moments later.

If you’re a people pleaser and only put others’ needs and wants first, then you might find that you always say “yes” even when you mean to say no.
Learning to say “no” will avoid being taken advantage of. It will also help draw boundaries which others will respect.

Have alone time

Spending time alone is a big deal to some folks, and they may not feel that they can be apart from their significant other or their kids. If you take time off for yourself, this is already a massive leap in self-care.

You can go for a walk on the beach or enjoy the freedom of not being a people pleaser. Either way, you choose, time alone can enable you to reflect, clear your mind, and reboot your emotions.

What’s the difference between self-care and self-indulgence?

Self-care is a long-term solution to becoming a healthier and better you. It may involve the points mentioned above to achieve this change.

Self-indulgence is often misunderstood as self-care, but it is not the same. Self-indulgence is temporary, more like a “quick fix” or fast solution.

Self-indulgence is associated with some of the following:

  • Greediness
  • Only concerned for one’s own needs
  • Making everything about one’s self
  • Being lazy
  • Self-indulgence

Tips for implementing self-care into your lifestyle

Self-care might not be easy for everyone, especially when you’re used to giving everything to work, family, children, spouse, volunteer, etc. If you’re reading this and can relate to these scenarios, these tips might help you.

#1 Don’t compare yourself to others

There can only be one of you; what you have and who you are is complete and unique. Just because someone got a job promotion or could go away on holiday doesn’t mean you’re not good enough to achieve or experience those things. It just takes time and happens in the right season.

A valid point is that everyone has a different life and destiny. While we might meet people through the journey, we may be destined to achieve different goals than the next. The road may seem easy for some, while others may deal with a bumpier path. Either way, the road is for you; it is unique and ultimately tailored to your destination.

The same is true that not everyone can be a rocket scientist or an Olympic swimmer. Still, the creative artist may not be as good with kids as the au pair, and the professor may not be an all-star musician. Enjoy your unique journey, and don’t compare it with another.

#2 Take a fraction of time to exercise too

When we think about exercise, we always assume it’s this hardcore muscle-pumping, weight-lifting, sweat-flowing ordeal that is undoubtedly off-putting for many. Some of us hate having to go to a gym or carve out time, especially to commit to a 1-hour workout session.

Leading a busy lifestyle may not leave any time for exercise for an hour, but thankfully, this isn’t necessary. Exercise is good; even if you can only spare 10 minutes of your day to run on the treadmill or use a stationary bike, it’s more than enough. If you don’t have gym equipment, don’t worry; you can do some stretches or aerobics that incorporate your body weight.

There are many easy yoga/stretches to try in the comfort of your home.

#3 Take one minute just for yourself

There are lots you can do in one minute. What many people find to help calm down and feel a sense of relaxation is breathing. We tend to breathe shallow chest breaths, which stimulates more stress hormones as this feature is actually made for stressful “fight-or-flight” situations.

However, breathing diaphragmatic breaths will help lower feelings of anxiety, stress or feeling frantic, for that matter. Breathing exercise is a vital and natural tool to help your body cope with stress. Sometimes it may look like there isn’t one minute to spare in the clock, but trust me, even 1-minute of diaphragmatic breathing can make a huge difference.

#4 Speak positive affirmations

Affirmations may seem like “mumbo-jumbo,” but there is power in the spoken word. Words can affect us in many ways, albeit positively or negatively. Embracing positive affirmations will help you to rise above unfavourable circumstances. It isn’t always easy when things are difficult, but it is possible.

Some positive affirmations may include:

  • I am worthy of love
  • I can do it
  • I am good enough
  • I deserve to be loved, too
  • I am beautiful just as I am
  • I am happy driving my new car
  • I am confident
  • I am grateful and happy for my new home
  • I am happy about my new job or promotion
  • I love who I am
  • I can achieve my goals

Those are just examples; many people tailor their affirmations to what they’re going through or want to achieve. Sometimes, positive affirmations are closely associated with “mantras.”

#5 Do something you like (hobbies)

Yes, another way to care for yourself is by doing something you like. You can use the opportunity to work on your hobbies. You may like kayaking, cycling, hiking, taking photos, drawing, listening to music, or reading. Either way, enjoy your hobbies.

Sure, some hobbies are expensive; still, you could work towards them. For example, if you love art but need supplies, maybe working towards buying supplies will help keep you amped in getting your paintings going. You may enjoy building computers, and parts are costly; take the time to build up your ultimate PC and enjoy the process.

Even if you don’t have all your hobby requirements, work towards it at your comfortable pace with small contributions. Every bit helps.

# 6 Adapt to a balanced diet and stay hydrated

Eating healthily and staying hydrated is critical for wellness. As part of self-care, taking stock of the types of foods you eat is essential. Food is our nourishment, and healthy foods will help the body with some of its many functions.

Drinking water is also essential, and staying hydrated doesn’t limit you to clear water only. Yes, water is good, but you can also enjoy herbal teas.

#7 Take it one day at a time

Sometimes, it’s hard to process life and all it has to offer. The ups and the downs, the easy and the difficult, everything makes it unique. Taking one day at a time is best when working on self-care and juggling life. Worrying about things all of the time builds stress and won’t do any good.

Try, at the very least, to cross each bridge when you get there instead of stressing weeks, months, and years before the time. Things can change during that time and could change for the better.

Conclusion to why self-care is important

Taking care of yourself is about positive lifestyle changes that will benefit you and those around you. It is a commitment and an investment towards a better self.

While self-care may not come easy for some, it is something to consider. The practice is important, especially when facing challenges, as those are when self-neglect is easier.

Don’t forget to cut yourself some slack since nobody is perfect.

Safe travels, peace and love!

Holistic Healing: How Acupuncture Benefits Health and Wellness

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Acupuncture is an ancient practice said to help the body engage in its inherent ability to heal itself. Yes, the body can heal itself and is wondrously created with this ability.

Sometimes, injuries and underlying chronic health conditions can inhibit these performances. This results in an increase in inflammation, leading to various other health considerations.

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine widely practised in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). The practice is versatile and used to treat various medical or health conditions.

Whilst it may have only been popular in the East several decades ago, many people of the “Western world” appreciate the benefits of acupuncture.


Delving Deeper Into the Specs of Acupuncture

Acupuncture targets energy throughout dedicated pathways of the body, helping to activate qi. “Qi” is the word for energy in Chinese and is one of the body’s many vital sources. Once qi is flowing, it encourages the body to engage in healing. 

Some historical findings conclude that acupuncture is over 2000 years old. This concept derives from the fact that some recordings related to acupuncture were found in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. This source is said to trace its roots back to the Han Dynasty (206BCE to 220ACE)

Despite being an old health practice, many people still return to ancient healing methods such as acupuncture for healing and wellness.


What are the different forms of acupuncture?

There are different varieties of acupuncture. While with needles, for the most part, certain techniques vary among Asian countries.

In other words, you’ll find Japanese acupuncture, Korean acupuncture, and Traditional Chinese Acupuncture. These are performed with needles, aka “manual acupuncture,” since they are inserted manually. 

Apart from those mentioned, there is also electroacupuncture. Electroacupuncture uses a machine to help complete the process. This specially designed machine delivers electric currents from a needle to the meridian point.

What Are the Core Benefits of Receiving Acupuncture?


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Acupuncture can help you with many health conditions including but not limited to:

  •  Treating insomnia
  • Reducing headaches
  • Managing arthritic pain
  • Helping reduce pain related to inflammation
  • Being calming and relaxing, thus, it may help reduce stress
  • Assist with allergy management 


What Are the Side-Effects of Getting Acupuncture?

In recent years, more people have chosen alternative medicine because it has fewer side effects. Although, not everyone is a fan of needles and neither the promises of alternative medicine for wellness. Thus, some people would instead opt for over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication.
Acupuncture may result in bruising on the points pierced by the needles. Some people have experienced nausea and vomiting, but this is also a rare side-effect. Studies have observed severe effects as a result of acupuncture, but as with any medical procedure, it doesn’t go without risks. 

What Are the Safety Measures for Acupuncture?

Safety is of utmost importance when it comes to acupuncture and most health procedures. The practitioner uses sterile needles to prevent the spread of other infectious diseases.

Seeking Professional Help

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It’s crucial to use a certified practitioner in acupuncture. You cannot leave it to an untrained person because, as mentioned, there are side effects.
Most certified practitioners are affiliated with groups like The SAACMA (SA Association Of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture) and the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa.

Closing Thoughts 

Acupuncture is an excellent alternative to taking painkillers. Once you’ve found a professional to help you, they can give a proper consultation.
The practitioner will also discuss the process, what is expected during the process and the pricing. At the same time, they will answer any of your questions and concerns.
Have you had acupuncture?

Safe travels and peace to all!