11 Reasons You Need A Good Writer On Your Squad

Let’s face it, not everyone has a knack for words, and even if you do, sometimes your business keeps you busy all the time. Fining a morsel of time to focus on content creation plays a critical role in marketing your company. You need a good writer to have your back and to portray your company’s voice.

Realising that you need a good writer is probably bringing up all types of questions in your mind right about now. But don’t worry, this article will give you some clarity on how it works. Or at least some qualities of good writers.

You Need a Good Writer For Your Business – Here’s Why:

#1 A good writer has your back

A good writer has you covered when you need that critical word-formation to speak sense to your audience. Maybe you’ve wanted to announce that you’re having a webinar, but you’re not sure how to make this work in an advert. You’re writer can help you.

#2 A good freelance writer is reliable

You can’t just have any writer. You need a good writer who is also reliable. Just imagine the horror of having a scheduled blog post plan for the year and the writer you’ve hired keeps missing the deadlines? That would set in motion a whole bunch of other problems that won’t help you achieve your goals of getting the word out to your audience.

You can tell a good writer by their reliability.

#3 No need to always hold their hand

If you’re dealing with a trusted freelance writer, then you shouldn’t have a problem. Many times, managers and leader need to motivate their team to go, go, go, yet this can be time-consuming and stressful.

You don’t need to hold a reliable freelance writer’s hand because they know that time management is critical. They also know that research matters. When these little but major practices are in place, you don’t have to worry about your writer slacking. They will go, go, go without you having to push them.

#4 Search engines like Google will appreciate the fresh content

Search engines are always looking for great content that not only applies to machines but also humans. These types of content will rank better and be found easier online. This is important as you continue to grow your business. You’re copywriter or writer versed in SEO can help you with keyword placement in the article.

#5 The content on your website paints a picture

You need a good writer on your team to help speak (represent) your business. Sometimes the first thing an audience finds is a company website online. By the time they find this website, you want them to get the message that you have a solution to their problem. This is why your website’s content needs tackling by your trusted writer too.

They can help tackle your newsletters, blog posts, product labels, and anything related to writing the message for your audience.

#6 You can bolster your blog and keep the content rolling

For any busy entrepreneur, finding time to draft a blog, think about topics, check out possible keywords is time-consuming. Sometimes you just need someone to help you take care of this for you. You need a good writer to help you build your business blog and overall presence online.

#7 You’ll have extra time on your hands

You’re busy all the time, and your work-life balance isn’t always in harmony. The good news is that with a reliable writer, you get to spend more free time. You don’t have to tackle the content when they are able to do this for you.

#8 A good freelance writer is proactive

Working with a good freelance writer means that you don’t have to keep checking if they’re working or keeping up with deadlines. Who needs this type of worry in their lives? Unfortunately, some folks have a bad experience and sometimes it instills uncertainty in an entrepreneur looking to hire a new prospective freelance writer.

But it shouldn’t have to be this way. If they’ve got a good reputation, you shouldn’t have to worry about them.

#9 A trusting freelancer knows how to communicate well

One of the worst things entrepreneurs can stumble upon is a freelancer that doesn’t communicate properly and vice versa. Communication is a very important tool that sets the tone across many channels in the workplace.

Communication shouldn’t only be reserved for in-house office spaces. A good freelance writer communicates well and lets their client know if they are unclear about something. This will help to save time when producing work.

#10 Can handle constructive criticism

It’s not personal, but every writer’s been there. There are those times that criticism is necessary. A writer who can handle constructive criticism will grow and get better in their craft.

#11 rejection comes with the package

For freelancers, this is a given. Being rejected can happen daily. Yet, rejection shouldn’t be taken personally either. A good writer can handle rejection and move on.

Conclusion to why you need a good writer

While some writers specialise in technical writing like SEO, others can craft amazing stories without the fluff. Writers can be persuasive, supporting their claims. You’ll also find writers who are narrative and tell stories in long-form pieces. Sometimes narrative writing forms part of creative writing for short stories and novels.

Furthermore, you can also find descriptive writers who describe a picture for their readers, much like those seen in novels.

If you haven’t found a trusted writer yet, feel free you get in touch with me, and let’s see how we can work together.

Nancy Rachael Amon Avatar

I’m a passionate author and freelance writer who loves health and wellness. I also enjoy fiction, mystery, and espionage. Authors like James Pattison and Tom Clancy are my inspiration. When I’m not writing, I find time to enjoy beautiful things, cats, art, and music.

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